The words nursing and human are in close proximity. Nursing prevails all through where human being exists. Since there is no abrogation for human being; nursing has eternal life. Mentoring in nursing is very essential and we are for it. Nursing is being enlarged due to the advent of modern technologies in medicine and other sciences.
Farsightedness is very essential to take the nursing profession to the front line in the health care delivery system. Higher degree of creativity and innovative concepts from the nursing leaders are essential to visualize new programmes in nursing for new opportunities. The perspective of nursing education has widely enlarged to suite the society needs. So the scope of nursing education is quite encouraging and meaningful for professional nurses.
Quality is a concern which give into heart of nursing so the teaching methods employed has tremendous input into the learners. Nurse teachers and nurse clinicians in particular should not out of the clinical area. The theories taught in the classroom are more meaningful in the clinical areas so the clinical area is the pivot contributing to the spectrum of best clinical nurse.
Navodaya College of nursing is recognized by the govt of Karnataka approvedby KNC and INC, New Delhi And affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore Navodaya College of nursing is one of the oldest colleges in Karnataka. In the year 1992, Navodaya education trust emerged out in Raichur, under the eminent leadership of young, dynamic, qualified and enthusiastic trustees, who dedicated their lives to impart the core of professionalism in Nursing courses.
The trust initiated the Nursing education with Diploma in Nursing and added basic B.Sc Nursing, Post basic B.Sc Nursing and M.Sc Nursing courses.